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Setup Config Contracts

Manage Contracts using ConnexCS to increase integration and compliance. You can require customers approve a contract before they can dial, or if they have not approved a contract after a set grace period ends.

Create Contract

  1. Click on the button.
  2. Name the contract.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click on the new contract Name.
  5. Under Contract Revisions, click .
  6. Paste your contract in plain text.
  7. Click Save.

Contracts Revisions

Contracts are immutable, meaning that neither you nor the customer may change a contract once it has been saved. You can issue a new Revision with new/updated contract requirements. This will require the customer to sign again.

Assign Contract to a customer

  1. Go to Management Customer [Your Customer] Contracts then click the .
  2. Select the Contract (the most recent revision will be chosen automatically).
  3. (Optional) If both the Grace Date and Required are selected, the customer's account will remain active until the date set. At that point, the contract must be signed or the account will be suspended.

Plain-text signature

"Signing" of a contract is the user inputting their name into a text box. We perform no further checking of this, nor to we make any claim that our system is provable in court. If you wish for a more robust verification system, we recommend you use a dedicated online signature system, we can assist with the integration if required.