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Setup Information Certificate

Certificate management for public-key cryptography, such as:

  • Customer Portal
  • WebPhone
  • WebRTC

ConnexCS provides certificates free of charge courtesy of Let's Encrypt or User Provided.

Add Certificate

To add a certificate:

  1. Click on the :fontawesome-plus: symbol.
  2. See configuration details below to use either Let's Encrypt or a User Provided certificate.

Let's Encrypt

  1. Enter the Domain name for this certificate. To allow ConnexCS to manage your certificates, you must ensure that the DNS records are set correctly so they are pointing to the correct server of ours.
  2. Set User Provided to "No".
  3. Click Save and our system will provision the certificate for you.

Let's Encrypt renewals are managed automatically.

User Provided

  1. Enter the domain name for this certificate.
  2. Ensure that you have user provided to set to "Yes".
  3. Certificate and keys should be in PEM (base64 format).
  4. Enter your Certificate with the BEGIN and END tags as follows:

    <enter certificate here>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  5. Enter your private Key with the BEGIN and END tags as follows:

    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    <enter certificate here>
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  6. Enter in your CA(Certificate Authority) Certificate with the BEGIN and END tags as follows:

    <enter certificate here>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Renewals for User Provided certificates are your responsibility.

Checking Certificates

The Status column contains a :fontawesome-check: representing all checks having passed.

A problem is represented by :fontawesome-exclamation-triangle:. If you hover your mouse you will see a checklist explaining the issue.